Wednesday 29th July 2015
Shirodhara Treatment for Health

Shirodhara massage originates from India and is based on the ancient principles of Ayurvedic medicine. Translated from the Sanskrit as a holistic healing science, Ayurveda aims to harmonise the body, mind, senses and soul.

Ayurveda may be an ancient Indian therapy but its appeal is thoroughly modern. This holistic system of diet, herbal remedies and massage has been a big hit with thousands of celebrities, spa-goers and harried workers all around the world, looking to regain a balanced and healthy lifestyle.

Shirodhara is a luxuriant and easy way to achieve instant calm and rejuvenation. It derives from two Sanskrit words: shiro and dhara. Shiro means head and dhara means to flow. It involves the warm and consistent flow of aromatic oils on the forehead, specifically on the ‘third eye’. This is the chakra point just above and between the eyebrows. It is said to be the seat of human consciousness. The oils are allowed to flow over the scalp and through the hair, creating a blissful sensation.

Health and beauty spas that offer shirodhara are careful to create a comfortable and tranquil environment with atmospheric background music and a soft treatment table.