Wednesday 22nd April 2015
The Authentic Taste of Balinese Nasi Campur at Sri Ratih Café and Jewelry

Indonesia cooking is mainly of the village. The combination of contrasting flavors, textures, and colors distinguishes the cuisine and unifies the various regional styles. Several dishes are usually present at one meal, which results to serve the food at the room temperature. Everything is generally served together: soups, side dishes, sauces, meats, fish, vegetables, fruits.
An average Indonesian family meal consist mainly of rice with a vegetable dish and a fish, chicken, or meat dish which come along with condiment called sambal. Nasi campur is a ubiquitous dish around Indonesia and as diverse as the archipelago itself, with regional variations. There is no exact rule, recipe or definition of what makes a nasi campur, since Indonesians and by large Southeast Asians commonly consume steamed rice surrounded with side dishes consisting of vegetables and meat. As a result, the question of origin or recipe is obscure. Sri Ratih café & jewelry provides Nasi Campur with a touch of different flavors. Balinese Nasi Campur that provided in Sri Ratih café & jewelry served with Balinese satay lilit, pepes be pasih (fish) wrapped in banana leaves, chicken in sambal matah, eggs in tomato sambal, tofu, tempe, and balinese salad of jukut urab and of course served with steam rice.
Should you want to try the authentic taste of Balinese Nasi Campur, let’s come to Sri Ratih café & jewelry, suitable for lunch and dinner.